A polymath (a term first recorded in written English in the early 17th century from the Greek polymathēs, πολυμαθής, meaning "knowing, understanding, or having learnt in quantity," compounded from πολυ- "much, many," and the root μαθ-, meaning "learning, understanding") is a person well educated in a wide variety of subjects or fields.
Polymaths are also described as persons with encyclopaedic or broad or varied knowledge or learning.
"A Renaissance Man, or polymath, is someone who excels in a wide range of fields. In the case of da Vinci, the fields were art, architecture, engineering and anatomy. Franklin was a journalist, printer, diplomat and scientist. With Jefferson it was politics, philosophy, engineering and archeology.Modern education is, in some degree, an attempt to turn the masses into polymaths. We try to teach math, science, humanities and language to all students in the hopes that they will become broadly educated. It isn’t until college that education begins to focus onto more specialized knowledge."
hi...the putzie comment was from me...tam :). didn't realize it did that til later. welcome to the dark side wade...new you would be sucked into a blog eventually. everyone else does it. :)
Thanx, Tam. I saw you linked me too...I am honoured.
awwww...if that's all it takes. ;)
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