Jul 17, 2007


My inner turmoil...

I was going to be an architect, but I didn't want to spend the time and money, so I decided to take architectural technology instead. Quicker and cheaper, and still a very good career. Then I find out that I can still become an architect after this program, with about 5 more years of schooling (which is actually a preferable route than the university route).
Dilemma #1 Do I become an architect, or stay a technologist?

I came into this program to gain the necessary skill-base to pursue sustainable residential building. However, as I work this summer for a commercial architectural firm, I am discovering how interesting and varied commercial architecture can be. Plus, from what I hear, it is a lot more lucrative than residential, not that money means everything, but it is nice to have.
Dilemma #2 Residential, Commercial or both?

I am a blue-collar person by nature, but my body will not last forever. I have seen too many construction workers unable to live properly due to failing bodies. Without their body, no work. Plus I really do prefer the design end of things, I just don't like being in an office all the time.
Dilemma #3 How can I work on the design end of the industry, while still getting out of the office and satisfy my hands-on desires?

1 comment:

eleni said...

i wish you luck and peace in all your decisions :)