Nov 29, 2007

Just 'bout done

Only five more days of classes, more or less, depending on how lectures are scheduled for this next week. Then a week of exams, then no more school for a while. I'll tell you, I cannot wait. This semester seems to have been quite a burn-out fest...not nearly as enjoyable as last year for some reason. The friendships have been great, though, since we already knew each other heading into classes.

And starting Friday (ie. Nov 30), I am back to work at the same firm I was at before...P3 Architecture. They asked me to come back a bit earlier (I wasn't supposed to go in until a week after New Year's), as they have some stuff they need me to work on ASAP. It's nice that I will be back into earning $$ sooner, plus I am still getting the week of Christmas off to rest up. These next two weeks are going to be a gong show, however, since I need to wrap up all my major projects at school (incl. a drawing set that is 20 poster-sized pages of drawings), study for finals, and start working on a part-time basis. Wish me luck.

Plus, Phinny (my kitty) keeps demanding my attention which makes it extra hard to study.

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