Sep 19, 2010

Urban Planning

So, the City of Regina is re-developing the downtown core to make it more vibrant, and designed so certain streets that can be shut-down to accommodate pedestrian activity. Theoretically a beautiful idea, though I will wait to see how it actually turns out. They've begun the construction. And as a commuter-cyclist, I look forward to how this might mean more dedicated bike lanes.


....the construction-dudes clearly don't understand the future-intent. I pity the poor person who lost their bike to the machine that is supposed to make their life easier. Does anyone else see the irony in this?

Kudos to Rheinhold's Monkey for the photo.


translation service said...

The city of Regina is redeveloping the downtown area to make it more dynamic and designed a few streets that can accommodate close to pedestrian activity.

Unknown said...

This is great city for the happy life but somewhere are under constriction on road work.I like your post so much.

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