Mar 19, 2007

All Growed Up


Chris said...

What is this, a center for ants? The center needs to be at least... three times bigger than this!

Anonymous said...

O.K., Derek Zoolander, I'll fix the problem.

caro said...

will you be marked on this? what's it for again? are you actually going to build it? can I buy land so you can build it? then we can make milions *laughs evilly* . . . or perhaps just thousands . . . or hundreds . . .

Anonymous said...

To buy land for it would cost you about $4.00. So sure, go ahead.

It's a major assignment for one of my classes, which we do in groups of three. We are marked based on our understanding of residential construction assembly, and on the quality of workmaniship. Honestly though, I wish it was worth more than it is. Not that I think we did such a terrffic job (even in these pictures I can see a mistake or two), but it took us so much time, and it is only worth 20% of one of my classes. SIGH

That is kind of the way this program works. We spend hours and hours working on big assigments, which are then only checked as being completed. No marks assigned at all, but we cannot write exams unless we have all of our assignments completed. Then exams are weighted extremely heavily. So, if you have an off day during an're screwed.