Apr 30, 2007

Summer has begun

Well, I played my first slo-pitch game with my new team...The Storm.

It's a co-ed team with the church (Church of God) that we've been going to, and, well, we're not very good. It's weird playing on a team with a bunch of strangers. There is none of the chemistry that my old team with Forest Grove had. Those were good days, and I miss them. But, whatcha gonna do? Can anyone tell me if FGCC has a team this year again...I mean a youngsters team and not the competetive old-timers?

Also, they have a crazy new rule here. When a female player comes to bat, they switch balls. It's a bright yellow ball that is smaller and lighter. Yeeesh. But, who am I to argue!? Have they introduced this in any Saskatoon leagues yet?


Anonymous said...

Yeah for ball season, I'm not playing for the grove anymore so I can't say if the a have young team (although I would probably belong on the old now anyways). Saskatoon doesn't switch balls for girls, that seems wierd to be. It would be a great adavantage though if it was harder then the boys balls.

Anonymous said...

I had my first practice last night and apparently the league here is going to introduce coloured balls (but they will be the same for everyone). The will only be used some of the time and at the end of the season the league will vote on whether to switch or not.

Anonymous said...

Why coloured balls. For greater visibility? What colour are they? Blue? Blue balls? Blue soft balls?

And, who is anonymous? Kimmer? You can always check the "Other" box, then sign your name. I do that all the time, but then put something other than my name down.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it me You obviously don't read my blog. Not sure what colour balls, (hopefully not blue)apparently for better visiblity, but I have yet to see that.