Feb 8, 2008


The following is an email that went around at work from a couple that works for P3A, but half of the year they live in their native Mexico City, and the other half in Regina. His mother-tongue is Spanish, so forgive the grammatical errors.

" 'Ashes and Snow' is an exhibition that shows 17 years of work of the Canadian photographer Gregory Colbert, taking amazing pictures and film in India, Egipt, Birmania, Sri Lanka, Kenia, Etiopy, Namibia, Tonga, Azores, Antártida, Borneo and Ecuador.

"Two weeks ago, the exhibition that start in Venice, Italy, and has been in New York, Tokio and Santa Mónica, US, arrived to México City Zócalo, just in front of the Cathedral, the Goverment Palace, and the Great Temple Ruins.

"The "Nomad Museum" is an outstanding 60,277 sqf. mobile structure created originaly by Shigeru Ban, the Japanese architect, and Simón Vélez the Colombian architect was the responsible one here. The building made of bambú poles and shipment containers host the exhibition that shows large format printings made in Japanese rice paper and ancient Japanese technique ink, and exhibits 3 films made in 35mm by the artist.

"Please take a look on the link below and try the Enhanced Experience..."


Anonymous said...

I am growing increasingly frustrated with Blogger. First, it is always re-formatting my text, and now I can't get links to work, etc etc. Anyway, you'll have to cut-and-paste the address if you want to check out that website. Once you go there, a few tips...go to "Explore", turn your speakers on, and move your mouse around and click on the links that appear.

If these problems persist, I may be looking up Mennoboy to re-locate my blog.

Vailgirl said...

incredible! thanks for sharing that!

caro said...

I always check the code before I publish my blogs because it will screw it up the first time you try to put in links and such. Don't rely on the compose format to check it, go to the html format if it does it wrong and delete the buggered up code and try again. It usually works the second time.

Anonymous said...

very cool