Aug 13, 2008

Another doctor story

So, if you remember from a while back, I related a frustrating experience I had with a doctor at a walk-in clinic. Well, this time I asked around a bit, and found a good clinic to go to, where the doctors are taking new patients. I made an appointment during work hours, and it is close enough to my office that I can walk over...handy, I thought.

I arrive 15 minutes early for my 8:20 appointment, then begin the waiting game. At about 15 minutes past my appointment time, I see another patient go up to the desk and ask the receptionist if the doctor is even in yet, as he was waiting still for his 8:00 appointment. She wasn't sure, because his office door was closed. Finally, by 9:00, I go up to her and tell her I need to get back to work, and she re-schedules me...sans apology (though I wasn't expecting one). When I left, the other patient was still waiting, 1 hour past his appointment time.

Is there a rule somewhere that says doctors are required to be inconsiderate? I mean, maybe he was in surgery or delivering a baby or something, but a bit of a heads up to the rest of us shmucks would be nice.

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