The table that I have been working at restoring is finally complete. I started working on it last summer, but haven't had much opportunity to work on it. It came from my in-law's, who bought it used when they first were married back in'67. They guess-timate it is about 80 years old. It's solid oak, with a suspended leaf underneath to lengthen the surface. As is, the top is about 4' x 8'. The whole table it weighs a ton (at least 150lbs). The table had been stored in a shed in recent years, and had succumb to severe water damage on the legs. I had to break the legs apart into three pieces, re-glue them, and re-glue every joint in the leg assembly. I stripped the old finish off, sanded the entire table, filled in the gaps and damage with filler, re-sand, stain, varathane, etc. The pix below show the under-side, and a close-up of some of the leg damage part-way through the repair process.

you're amazing Wade! I tried to refinish my antique dresser in high school and, well, I think I decreased it's value as a result!
Thanx, Caro.
I have found, and now am parousing, your glorious blog! You thought you could hide from me, but my minions have discovered your place of retreat! I SHALL RETURN! BWAHAHA! *Cough* *Sputter* *Cough* *Eat Cornflakes*
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