I had a Facebook account for a month or two, then I quit it. I prefer my blog. However, I seem to be among a dwindling minority that is still blogging regularly. A big reason I blog still is so that long lost friends and family can "keep track" of me while I pursue my studies in MJ SK. I would like to take this opportunity to list my reasons for prefering Blogger over Facebook.
Yay Blogging
- I can state my thoughts in a format of my preference
- It is easy for anyone to view my blog, not just people with accounts to blogger
- I can highlight only the intersting stuff of my life, without having to have a bunch of petty stuff and ads covering the screen
- I don't have to spend hour and hours sifting through people's updates on my screen that I really don't care about
- I can go to other people's blogs, and at a glance see what they want me to see...I don't have to sort through a dozen links to see the 'good' stuff (and if I don't want to know about them, I just don't go to their blog)
Boo Facebook
- ads
- people are inadvertantly letting the "bad" internet people scam their demographic information...if not worse
- nobody cares how you "feel" or what your "status" is every freakin' hour on the hour
- I am forced to see people's updates, even people I don't know
- it consumes far too much time to use it properly
- I hate the fact that if I am not on Facebook, then I am not privvy to what everyone else in class (or wherever) is talking about...this can happen on blogging too, but to a lesser extent
my friend...Chris...had a similar rant recently
I AGREE!!! I left facebook about a month ago, but it seemed that no one noticed. I wish people were blogging still so that I would feel more of an urge to update my blog.
Good for you Caro! Probably no one noticed you left FBook, b/c they are to inundated with everything else on there. Blogging may not be ideal, but it is the lesser of the evils.
i have to agree. i do want to keep up with my blog and am trying to get back into it.
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