No more pencils,
No more books,
No more teacher's dirty looks.
For 4 months anyway. Now just the pressure to perform with the timeclock clicking. In the architectural design world, a lot of work is done on an hourly basis, and they charge that time to the client. That includes any time I work on a project...and what they charge for my time (only being a student) is a surprisingly high rate (the rate varies depends on who's time it an architects time is worth more than a technologists time).
So, once you are aware that every minute you waste trying to figure something out, because you aren't that experienced yet, is being charged to some client, you start to feel a little pressured. At least at school, I am only wasting my time. If I am slow at work, I am wasting someone's money.
Ah, Wade, you've been wasting my time for years, and I've never minded.
Thanx least now I can get around to reading the Brothers Karamazov and send along the letter J sent me about a month ago, which was the beginning of the promise we made to each other.
How did you two survive the storm a few weeks ago?
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