A - Air Canada
C - Canadian Tire
D - Dictionary
E - Ebay
F - Facebook
G - Gmail
H - Hotmail
I - Ikea
J - Job bank
K - Kijiji
L - Lotto Max
M - Map Quest
P - PayPal
Q - Quotes
R - Rogers
S - Skype
U - Utube
V - Via Rail
W - Walmart
X - XBox
Y - Youtube
Z - Zellers
Now, I don't know if the prompts are paid for positions like the website listings are, or if they are based on popularity. I am going to assume the former. Why, you ask? Well, I count 2 (maybe 3) out of 26 that aren't corporations. Still think you aren't being told what to think?
I agree. Publicity is everything and the big corporations know just how to do it.
I am italian. Visit my blog:
Why don't you just disable the prompts if you're so worried about it?
I like the prompts. I also like coming up with conspiracy theories.
This is about the Playing the Google alpha games.people lie its cause its the things that people look to play online for their betterment.
Advertising is all, and big business know how. I also wish to conspiracy theories.
That is all the big names which are rarely unknown to anyone. Good from a to z.
This is about the enjoying for search engines leader on the internet games. People lie its cause its the items that individuals look to engage in on the internet for their enhancement.
This is about the Enjoying the The search engines leader on the internet games. People lie its cause its the items that individuals look to engage in on the internet for their enhancement.
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